

Tuesday, April 11, 2017




Call for Job Applications: ELCT Kizazi Kipya Project

ELCT Kizazi kipya is a 5 year project funded by USAID in which the Health Department at the ELCT Hq will implement as a Sub grantee to PACT-Tanzania, although, subject to availability of funds from USAID - the project will operate in phases of 6 months first and then one year renewable contracts.  As part of the project implementation, ELCT is calling for Job applicants to fill in the following vacant positions:


Job Title: Project Manager

Reports to: CSO Management to decide

Job Objective:   To provide overall leadership and management of USAID Kizazi Kipya project implementation at council level and ensures efficient and effective linkages, collaboration and networking with LGA authorities. 

Locations: ELCT Head Office, Arusha.

Roles and Responsibilities:
Provide overall technical, operational, and administrative support to project staff and promotes an organizational culture where policies and values are observed.
Oversee project budget including tracking spending, disallowed cost, approve travel request, staffs’ liquidation, reviews and approve all project expenses.
Project Manager is the main point-person with Pact Cluster Office for all Kizazi Kipya project implementation by the CSO.
Project Manager is the project leader who is ultimately responsible and accountable for timely, quality project implementation across all councils where the CSO is implementing. 
Work in collaboration with DSWO, DMO, DACC, CHACC at district level and Pact technical coordinators at cluster level to ensure high quality project activities delivery.
Ensure preparation and timely completion and submission both financial and narrative reports (monthly, quarterly, semiannual and annual).
Work with Data and M&E Officers to ensure that appropriate data is obtained to produce high quality timely reports.
In collaboration with organization management, mentors project staff (Case Management officer, Health and HIV Officer, Case Management Coordinator, Education Officer etc.) as appropriate in project management, organizational development and community development issues.
Supports performance of project staffs (Case Management officer, Health and HIV Officer, Case Management Coordinator, Education Officer etc.) by proactively addressing performance issues through regular, constructive and honest feedback, and coaching and identifying necessary staff development needs for direct reports.
Ensure staff are supported to deliver quality results in all project implementation activities.
Provides mentoring and guidance to the team members and models best practices; advises and trains other team members on, organization policies, procedures, tools, and methodologies, as needed.
Represents USAID Kizazi Kipya Project in public events, stakeholders’ meetings and coordinate with other donor funded programs at council level.
Performs other related tasks as needed

Preferred Qualifications and Experience

Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology, Public Health, or Economic Development, Community Development or equivalent experience. 
Over 3 year’s relevant experience
Experience/interest to work in Church environment  and ability to serve people of other faith

Required Qualifications and Experience

Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, Public Health, or Economic Development, Community Development or relevant degree.
At least 3 years’ relevant experience.
Previous experience managing staff.
Experience in at least one of the following technical areas: Economic strengthening, Youth and Adolescent work, Case Management, Bi-Directional Reference, ECD, or Child protection.
Fluency in English and Kiswahili.
Understanding of OVC issues and child protection.

1. Clinical officer or nurse with diploma, female are highly encouraged to apply
2. Knowledge of computer
3. Experience in working with HIV related services
4. Experience in working with communities is an added advantage
5. Experience/interest to work in Church environment  and ability to serve people of other faith

Roles and Responsibilities
Represent ELCT and coordinate with the council health management team regarding HIV and health related activities.
Hold monthly meetings with care and treatment centers (CTC) in implementation area to support shared confidentiality, facilitate case conferencing, improve bi-directional referral system and ensure HIV positive beneficiaries receive needed services
Support early childhood development (ECD) corners at targeted health facilities including regular monitoring supportive supervision
Support community case workers  (CCW’s) to work with high pediatric volume CTCs to trace HIV positive OVC who miss appointments, enroll them into Kizazi kipya project and link them back to CTCs
Support CCWs to conduct HIV risk assessments for OVC during case management, refer and link at risk OVC to HIV testing and counseling (HTC)
Schedule quarterly sexual reproductive health education outreaches to teen clubs and organize HTC outreaches for adolescents with high risk behaviors
Work with EGPAF to roll out a supplemental HIV curriculum to CCWs and ensure CCWs provide appropriate support to HIV positive OVC and care givers
Support CCWs to strengthen the capacity of care givers to support HIV positive OVC and ensure CCWs refer HIV positive OVC and caregivers to PLHIV support groups
Ensure screening of caregivers for depression and link them to appropriate services
Support the roll out of evidence based curriculums relating to HIV (eg. Stepping stones, Sinovuyo Teens, sexual reproductive health education, care for child development etc)
Support the establishment of a bi-directional referral system to monitor beneficiaries through the HIV continuum of care as service completion for other health and social services.
Monitor implementation, bottlenecks, performance metrics of the bi-directional referral system; proactively offer solutions, conduct quality improvement activities and implement adjustments to improve referral outcomes
Coordinate quarterly district level quality improvement meetings with relevant bi-directional referral system stakeholders, ensure actions from the meetings are implemented and the bi-directional referral system is improved
Work with Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) officer to ensure all bi-directional referral data are accurate and produced weekly; use data for decision making
Lead the development of a service directory for health, nutrition and HIV services in implementation area; update the directory at least once per year
Support CCWs to conduct nutrition activities, including nutrition assessments, counseling and linkages to other nutrition service providers
Provide continuous supportive supervision to CCWs to ensure provision of health related services, referral and linkage to beneficiaries
Submit timely updates to the program coordinator for inclusion in the quarterly, semiannual and annual reports.
Document lessons learned and best practices for experience sharing and replication
Perform any other related duties assigned by the project coordinator
Number required: 2 health and HIV services officer  


1. Diploma in community Development 
2. Knowledge of computer.
3. Experience in working with HIV related services
4. Experience in working with communities is an added advantage
5. Experience/interest to work in Church environment  and ability to serve people of other faith

Roles and Responsibilities. 
Directly supervise empowerment worker (EWs) and National Peer educators
Recruit and train EWs in the village Savings and Loan groups (VSLG) model and oversee EWs establishing and supporting new groups and supporting inherited VSLGs.
Ensure that EWs provide facilitation support for VSLGs to ensure that destitute household members (lower savings level and interest) are able to join VSLGs.
Ensure that VSLGs establish community resource mobilization committees to map community resources for social protection. 
Conduct overarching mapping of economic strengthening services providers in implementation areas.
Work with District level TASAF to ensure USAID kizazi kipya is aware of new expansion areas. 
Ensure TASAF can refer TASAF beneficiaries to USAID Kizazi Kipya for Screening and enrollment. 
Roll out a household financial literacy and money management curriculum to EWs and ensure a quality roll out to VSLG members. 
Lead the creation of trade networks and learning and sharing cohorts within industry types. 
Train EWs to roll out a self-assessment tools with mature groups; establish relationship with pro-poor financial institutions.
Serve as the lead for youth related activities including conducting an organizational youth assessment, implementation action items from the assessment, ensuring establishment and high quality support to in and out school teen clubs, and ensuring delivery of youth focused curriculum. 
Provide continuous supportive supervision to EWs to ensure quality economic strengthening programming and to NPEs to ensure quality youth programming. 
Submit timely economic strengthening and youth updates to the program coordinator for inclusion in the quarterly, semiannual, and annual reports. 
Document lesson learned and best practices for experience sharing and replication.
Perform any other relevant duties as assigned by the project coordinator. 


Roles and responsibilities
Coordinate implementation and provide oversight of monitoring and evaluation activities in Arusha DC, Arusha CC and Meru districts including data collection, management and reporting
Perform simple data analyses and visualization to promote data use at all levels
Generate and contribute to quarterly or other reports as needed
Support cluster M &E staff to conduct routine internal data quality assessments (DQA)
Conduct regular data monitoring site visits to case workers; review and provide feedback on caseworkers performance
Review critically reports submitted by caseworkers and perform data verification as needed
Set up and maintain data entry and management systems including applications
Other tasks as assigned

Minimum Requirements Qualifications
Diploma in public health, sociology, demography, statistics or other related social sciences area; Bachelor degree is preferred
Academic qualification in monitoring and evaluation will be an added advantage
Skills and experience
The ideal candidate will have at least I year experience working in monitoring, evaluation and reporting
Proficient with MS excel
Work experience supporting technical or programmatic activities in orphans and vulnerable children
Experience with DHIS2  preferred other software a plus
Experience  with mobile data collection
Report writing and publication skills
Excellent written, oral and presentation skills in English and Kiswahili
Ability to work effectively with multiple teams, partner agencies and community members
Availability and willingness to travel up to 50% time
Experience/interest to work in Church environment  and ability to serve people of other faith

Number required: 1 M& E officer  

Required Qualification:
Degree holder in accountancy
Work experience in Donor funded Projects work for at least 3 years
Experience in Various Accounting software packages for both International and local finance requirement including GAAP requirements, WebERP, quickbooks, etc
Possession of CPA will be an added advantage
Experience/interest to work in Church environment  and ability to serve people of other faith

Roles and Responsibilities
To assist the project manager in coordinating and supervising all the financial functions of the program and the project. This shall include the timely preparation and submission of all program financial and accounting reports and documents including cash books, payment vouchers, bank reconciliation statements, budget compliance reports and any other financial reports that may be required by USAID Kizazi kipya project and to submit such reports in compliance with the reporting requirements of the kizazikipya project
To advise management on the formulation, review and implementation of policies that enhance the financial viability, effective cost management and optimized resource mobilization and utilization.
To implement the existing internal financial controls of the organization and the project and to advise the management if additional controls are required 
To be proactive in the development and implementation of sound accounting and financial management systems and procedures for the organization  for the organization based on standard accounting principles
To coordinate all project finances and the preparation, implementation and control of the annual and any supplementary budgets of the organization
To review purchase orders prepared by the project staff and to facilitate procurement of office supplies, equipments, furniture and services
To ensure compliance with the procurement policies and guidelines of the organization and the Kizazikipya requirements
To maintain an up to date register of the assets and stores of the organization and to ensure proper accountability of the same including proper use and custody of the properties of the organization such as consumable office items and fuel to motor vehicles
To ensure that the recommendations made or issues raised by the internal and external auditors are implemented or addressed without delay
To cooperate with external auditors to ensure that within three months of the end of each financial year, draft accounts of the preceding financial year are submitted for audit
Number required: 1 Accountant

1. Diploma in  Social worker/community development
2. Knowledge of computer
3. Experience in working with HIV related services
4. Experience in working with communities is an added advantage
5. Experience/interest to work in Church environment  and ability to serve people of other faith

Roles and responsibilities.
Oversee case worker coordinators and provide overall leadership for case management activities. 
Share direct supervision responsibilities of community case workers (CCWs) with case worker coordinators.
Disseminate and ensure adherence to case management, child protection, referral and linkages, parenting, and M&E guidance, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and other Job- aids that facilitate holistic care management at the household/community level.
Ensure that case management services delivered address the holistic needs of OVC and caregivers including health, nutrition, education, protection, livelihoods, and psycho-social well-being.
Conduct quality step down trainings to case worker coordinators and CCWs
Regularly monitor case management activities and use the information to improve case management quality and implementation.
Ensure CCWs complete required case management forms and ensure case filing system is developed and maintained. 
Work in partnership with local government authorities as appropriate, including but not limited to district executive directors, council health management teams, District Social Welfare officers, and Ward level officials. 
Create community linkages for broader community engagement of youth and caregivers in case management, child protection, parenting, etc.
Map existing community carders (community health workers, Home based care workers, Para social workers, etc.) in communities and assist government officials to recruit and select CCWs for the National integrated case management trainings for CCWs. 
Ensure that all CCWs are oriented to the Child protection policy and code of conduct, take all cases of child abuse seriously and follow national protocols to ensure timely reporting.
Ensure CCWs are coordinating with local structures including health facilities and child protection committees (formally known as most vulnerable children’s committees).
Lead the development of a service directory for social services (in coordination with the heath and HV services officer) in implementation areas; update the directory at least once a year. 
Ensure that case management coordinators and providing continuous mentoring and support to CCWs; directly conduct supportive supervision to case management coordinators and CCWs.
Submit timely updates to the program coordinator for inclusion in the quarterly, semiannual, and annual reports. 
Document lesson learned and best practices for experience sharing and replication.
Perform any other relevant duties as assigned by the project coordinators. 

Number required: 2 Case Managers 

1. Certificate in  Social worker/community development
2. Knowledge of computer.
3. Experience in working with HIV related services
4. Experience in working with communities is an added advantage

Roles and responsibilities.
Supervise community case workers (CCWs) and provide continuous mentoring and support to ensure delivery of high quality case management services. 
Disseminate and ensure adherence to case management, child protection, referral and linkages, parenting, M&E guidance, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and other job-aids that facilitate holistic case management at the household/community levels. 
Ensure case management services delivered address the holistic needs of OVC and caregivers including health, nutrition, education, protection, livelihood, and psycho-social wellbeing.
Conduct quality step down trainings to CCWs and facilitate monthly meetings in the field to introduce new topics, improve quality, and reinforce guidelines and procedures. 
Ensure CCWs complete required case management forms and case filling system is well maintained.
Work in partnership with local government authorities as appropriate, including but not limited to district executive directors, council health management teams, District Social Welfare officers, and Ward level officials. 
Create community linkages for broader community engagement of youth and caregivers in case management, child protection, parenting, etc.
Assist in mapping existing community carders (community health workers, Home based care workers, Para social workers, etc.) in communities and assist government officials to recruit and select CCWs for the National integrated case management trainings for CCWs. 
Ensure that all CCWs are oriented to the Child protection policy and code of conduct, take all cases of child abuse seriously and follow national protocols to ensure timely reporting.
Ensure CCWs are coordinating with local structures including health facilities and child protection committees (formally known as most vulnerable children’s committees).
Assist in development of a service directory for social services (in coordination with the heath and HV services officer) in implementation areas; update the directory at least once a year. 
Submit timely updates to the case management officer for inclusion in the quarterly, semi- annual and annual reports.
Document lesson learned and best practices for experience sharing and replication.
Perform any other relevant duties as assigned by the case management officer. 

Number required: 6 Case worker coordinators


Roles and Responsibilities
1. To work as an administrative assistant for all project management
2. To coordinate meetings, guest handling and booking arrangements
3. Lease with team staff and management to keep records for the important meetings including the minutes and issues for follow up
4. Maintain track of all secretarial issues including stationeries, computers and timely feedback and support to Data clerks

Minimum requirements
1. Holder of diploma in Administration or Secretarial studies from a reputable instutution
2. Working skills and competence in computer
3. Experience in working with Projects and donor funded programs 
4. Ability to work under pressure and meeting timely deadlines
5. Experience in Multi-tasking: To work in environment where He/She has been serving multiple officials in different cadres and varying needs.


Roles and Responsibilities
5. To work closely with project monitoring and evaluation officer and project manager and act timely on issues concerning data management
6. Ensure all submitted report forms are accurately and timely entered into the database

Minimum requirements
1. Form four leaver or diploma holder
2. Knowledge of computer
3. Experience in working with data base will be an added advantage

Number required: 10 Data Clerks

Drivers (x2)

Roles and Responsibilities
1. To drive program staff to the project areas and other project related areas
2. To coordinate transport routes in timely, cost effective and programmatically efficient manner
3. Ability to handle mileage documentation, fuel consumption monitoring and professional motor vehicle maintenance and servicing.

Minimum requirements
1. Form four leaver with a minimum of Class “C” Driving license..
2. Qualification and skills in Vehicle mechanics from a known and Government certified training Institution.
3. Experience in working with Health and HIV/AIDS patients and their family will be an advantage

4. Experience and professional ability to be involved in complex home based care services for HIV infected and affected families will be a plus.

All Applications including current CV, Academic certificates and an application letter to

The ELCT Secretary General
Attn to: The Director - ELCT Kizazi Kipya Project
ELCT Health Department
P. O. Box 3033
Arusha, Tanzania.


Apply before 20 April 2017

Source: ELCT

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